
Description Time for a harsh truth: You can be the best designer in the world producing stunning user interfaces, but it doesn”™t matter; you can be the most accomplished coder who develops ground breaking techniques, but it is irrelevant; your work will not sp…
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Description With at least 13 updates to its algorithms since April”™s Penguin update targeted sites that violate Google”™s webmaster guidelines, it”™s clear the search engine giant means business when it comes to promoting quality sites while demoting those r…
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Description WordPress is one of the most popular technologies in the history of the Web; it powers everything from personal blogs to huge corporate websites.
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Description SEO has always been a tricky business, not only do experts have to spend time on researching keywords and following the best practices, they have to be prepared for the changes which search engines inevitably put into place.
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Description The upcoming WordPress 4.1 release is going to pass the release candidate mark, so we now have an opportunity to look closer at the forthcoming features. Those features vary from the introduction of new UI elements, and modes in the dashboard, to  …
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Description I recently witnessed a startup website train wreck. It was an extreme failure because the owner launched too soon and the consequences of doing so were fatal. As the owner, or just the designer/developer of a website, you must understand that followi…
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Description One of the hottest topics around is infinite scrolling. Infinite scrolling is the style of navigation that loads new content when you reach the bottom, like a Twitter feed, or a Pinterest board.
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Description The Phraseology Project was originally setup by Drew Melton as a way for him to hone his typography skills. The idea is that people submit words or phrases and Drew, or a guest contributor, creates a typographic treatment of the submissions.
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Description Single page designs can be an excellent technique for tackling smaller websites, even those that you might not think could ever be done without multiple pages. There are tons of great reasons for using a single page site, from ease of maintenance to …
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Description In the last post, we took an in-depth look at Google”™s Panda and Penguin updates and how they have impacted on search rankings for businesses. Whilst we established that using black hat SEO techniques is likely to result in a site becoming penali…
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