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Google’s Sitelinks Search Box: What You Need to Know

Description Several months ago, Google announced a new sitelinks search box. Despite its strong adoption, until now we’ve had very little evidence to understand its effects. We implemented it to share with you the results. Here’s what we found…

A Step-by-Step Guide to Flawless On-Page SEO [Free Template]

Description Reference this step by step guidance for on-page SEO through the use of a free Excel optimization template.

Google’s Matt Cutts on   SEO  : A Retrospective (2006-2010)

Google’s Matt Cutts on SEO : A Retrospective (2006-2010)

Description Welcome to the years of paid links. link bait, Caffeine, Google bombs, and page speed as a ranking factor. By this point, Google’s Matt Cutts had plenty of important things to teach us all about the evolving landscape of search and SEO. Our story …

Search Engine Optimization ( SEO ): 10 Essential Things You Need …

Description Increasingly, we small businesses are coming face to face with the realities of the Web.  After all, customers expect to find our businesses online ““ for many businesses it is NOT optional.  Buyers are now researching purchases and service provi…

Technical Site Audit Checklist: 2015 Edition

Description Back in 2011, I wrote a a technical site audit checklist, and while it was thorough, there have been a lot of additions to what is encompassed in a site audit. I have gone through and updated that old checklist for 2015.

The Difference Between Content Marketing, Social Media Marketing …

Description How they are related?

Are you sure you”™re ready for your website to go

Are you sure you”™re ready for your website to go

Description I recently witnessed a startup website train wreck. It was an extreme failure because the owner launched too soon and the consequences of doing so were fatal. As the owner, or just the designer/developer of a website, you must understand that followi…

SEO service wordpress theme – #3279

SEO service wordpress theme – #3279

Deal of the week: 14 minimalist responsive WordPress

Description WordPress is one of the most popular technologies in the history of the Web; it powers everything from personal blogs to huge corporate websites.

17 SEO Myths to Leave Behind in 2015 [Free Ebook]

Description SEO is an evolving science. While some of the core principles will presumably stick around forever (e.g. creating high-quality content), the nuanced aspects of it are subject to continuous change. And as a result, many of the “proven” tactics peop…

How To Build The Perfect Landing Page For SEO Or PPC

Description Landing pages are useful tools in a search marketer”™s arsenal. Designed as separate yet related webpages, landing pages simplify core concepts and make it easier for your target audience to convert. However, it”™s not enough to simply build a land…

This One, Simple Problem Is Killing Your Local SEO Campaign

Description Local Local SEO might seem confusing, but that”™s only because of its massive potential. If executed properly and with a focus on improving customer experiences, local SEO can be reduced to a simple series of best practices that any business…